Enneagram CounterTypes
Those who have a hard time typing themselves correctly very often end up being a CounterType.
But what are CounterTypes?
We all get stuck in certain conditioned reactions – what are these core Passions for each Ennegram Type? In what way are CounterTypes’ reactions different?
What do ’going with’ and ’going against’ the Passion mean?
How do we give energy to certain instinctual needs while neglecting others?
What are ’Instinctual Variants’ and what is their relation to CounterTypes?
Why is it easier to guess one’s ‘Instinctual Variant’ than their type?
What is the most obvious CounterType across the globe even for those unfamiliar with the Enneagram system?
Find out about all these PLUS get a comprehensive description of all CounterTypes. Learn how they relate to the other numbers in their Triad. Narrow down your options and finally arrive at your true type.
This Quick Aid is a mini guide designed especially for those hesitant about their Enneagram type and in search for further guidance. The Quick Aid is available on Fruits of Now‘s closed training site which can be accessed for a fee. For more details click below.